

We partner with and bring the best talent around to each project we work on in order to bring spaces to life that are thoughtful, timeless and truly special. Our unique approach to real-estate allows us to develop both residential and commercial spaces that are within our city’s most desirable areas. We focus on connectivity, walkability and accessibility to the best restaurants, retail, parks and schools. We believe in a high quality of life. Life is too short not to enjoy the spaces that we spend so much of our lives in. We hope that the spaces we create will evoke an emotional connection with all those that experience them- the first time and every time. Enjoy.




We at Manor & Park are constantly finding ways to engage, support and give to missions, charities and non-profits locally and across the world. This is something that is a part of our DNA and we are excited to share in this opportunity. We believe in creating community not just within our real-estate but with people across the globe that can collectively have a bigger impact than we can on our own.

Below are a few organizations we are big fans of.

Turn weekdays into Sundays, meals into sacraments, homes into temples, and earth into heaven.
— C.H. Spurgeon