One7 Ministries
One7 is entirely funded by private donors.
Refugees and immigrants come to the United States each year, escaping war, persecution, and other danger. Charlotte is a major US resettlement city for these people, who come in hopes of making a better life. Unfortunately, this is not always what they find—broken social systems, cultural barriers, crime, and other disadvantages land many once again in poverty and danger. Families often become homeless or broken, youth get pulled into gangs and drugs, and hope fades.
That’s where One7 comes in—with the true, never-fading hope of Jesus Christ! We are located in an area of Charlotte’s inner-city that is dense with refugees, so the families and youth we serve are primarily in those people-groups. This makes the One7 family incredibly diverse, with over 10 nations represented. In every apartment, academy class, and soccer game, you see a beautiful picture of what Heaven will be like: people healed of brokenness, representing different races and cultures, all living as one family in Christ. No racial hatred, cultural divisiveness, or fear of differences—just, one body bringing glory to our Lord in all things!